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Welcome to the new world

In Digital Economy, where technology evolves faster than the ability of the commercial entities to adapt, every business must be in the software business.


Unlock the power of your data

Adanto Data Services get the right information to the right place at the right time.

Accelerate engagement with your clients

Adanto App Services power the Digital Economy and are key on the road to Digital Transformation.

Hyper-automate your processes

Adanto Robotic Process Automation Services automate tedious manual processes into AI-enhanced robotic workflows.


Adanto products and software solutions accelerate custom application development via its reusable, extendable components and flexible development, testing, and automation tools.

Make commerce easier. Focus on your customers, not technology.
Sell more, anywhere with engaging shoppable experiences via omnichannel front-end, fully integrated back-end powered by cloud-based infrastructure and rich data.

Grow without the overhead.
Scale your business and your relationships with customers without growing overhead – for virtually free – with Adanto AI ChatBot.

Get the right data to the right place at the right time. Invest with confidence and a very low initial cost in your strategic, most daunting data-driven Initiatives with a market-proven, major brand-tested Data Analytics Platform from Adanto.

Why us

For over a decade Adanto has been fighting with Digital Darwinism on behalf of close to 100 clients by transforming them into powerful, data-driven, customer-centric, pervasively connected Digital Ecosystems.

Transformed Products

Delivered new revenue generating products and services that were better tailored to customers’ individual and immediate needs, while leveraging our technology, delivery methods and global locations advantage to achieve this at very comepetetive prices.

Optimized Operations

Defined, built, managed and maintained mobile-first, cloud-based, serverless platforms for our customes with agility and scale to capitalize on new markets, geographies, ecosystems and business models while substantlally reducing costs.

Empowered Employess

Democratized and simplified access to a digital workspace for the employees of our clients, enabling unified, consistent, efficient and empowering expierience equally for all to access systems, services, data and applications from anywhere.

Engaged Users

Helped aquire, engage and retain millions of customers as part of an ongoing practice of our clients’ anticipating their customers’ needs and keeping in touch with them to foster lasting relationships, loyalty and hence, business growth.